Obama Schedule || Wednesday, February 19, 2014

8:15 am || Departs White House
12:10 pm CT || Arrives Toluca, Mexico
12:35 pm CT || Greets Mexican President Nieto and begins bilateral meetings; Palacio de Gobierno del Estado de Mexico, Toluca, Mexico
2:45 pm CT || Attends a working lunch; Cosmovitral, Botanical Gardens, Toluca, Mexico
4:20 pm CT || Participates in a walk and talk with Prime Minister Harper of Canada
4:50 pm CT || Delivers remarks with President Nieto and Prime Minister Harper;
5:30 pm CT || Participates in the Trilateral North American Leaders Summit Meeting Courtyard, Palacio de Justicia, Toluca, Mexico
7:15 pm CT || Holds a press conference with President Nieto and Prime Minister Harper; Patio Cental, Palacio de Gobierno, Toluca, Mexico
8:50 pm CT || Departs Mexico
2:05 am || Arrives White House


When Did White Trash Become the New Normal? A Southern Lady Asks the Impertinent Question


Turning into a human bobble head is not the usual consequence of reading a book. That only happens when an author’s observations elicit such enthusiastic assent that uncontrollable nodding results.

This reviewer suspects that the author ‘s contention that we are living in a time of moral decline, eroded manners, disappearing standards and ignorance will resonate with many readers.

A warning from Thomas Jefferson introduces the book.

It is the manners and spirit of a people which preserve a republic in vigour.

A degeneracy in these is a canker which soon eats to the heart of its law and constitution.

The manifestations of that degeneracy are what Hays calls White Trash Normal. She clarifies:

You no longer have to be White Trash to do White Trash things.”

She begins with tattoos, which “used to be the preserve of people who were too lazy too work and too scared to steal.” But no more; “Now, alas, it is the preserve of one’s friends and relatives.” It has evolved into a form of “self-expression” for the Gen Nexters – Americans in the eighteen-to-twenty-five age group, and others who ought to know better.

Remember when…
Girls wanted diamond rings –
instead of nose rings?

Like Tattoos, body piercing has gone mainstream. So much so, she writes, that Fox News featured a segment about the “Do’s and Don’t’s for Safe Body Piercing.” Not only is body piercing noxious to behold, it is hazardous to good health.

Regarding other manifestations of White Trash behavior Hays advises:

Next time you see in unshaven celebrity clad in slept-in blue jeans, thumbing his nose at bourgeoisie convention, don’t think “Cool” – think White Trash! Grunge is a White Trash variation. Obesity, backwards baseball caps, and vulgar language nonchalantly uttered in the ATM line are further expressions of White Trash Normal.

Included in that category are “ads on TV that counsel you on what to do in the event of a four-hour erection…”

To emphasize how far the culture has fallen she harkens back to her own experiences of a more civil time.

When I was growing up in the Deep South, people in all walks of life put forth tremendous effort not to be regarded as White Trash – in contrast; people today risk hepatitis to ape the decorative styles of social deviants. The White Trash ethos used to be summed up by the broken-down tractor permanently bivouacked in the front yard – expressing the White Trash view of life, the utter rejection of physical and mental exertion: “Hit don’t make no difference.”

…Not being white trash had little to do with money. It had everything to do with choice and effort, with wearing presentable attire, getting your children to Sunday school, paying your bills in a timely fashion, and putting matrimony chronologically in front of motherhood – in other words, acknowledging that there were standards and that the hard work required to meet them was worth the trouble.

Hays intersperses chapters with amusing examples of White Trash food and drink recipes that raise cholesterol and the incidence of diabetes. All that is missing is the warning: “Don’t try this at home.”

In Chapter 2 she discusses White Trash money management, or lack thereof. Racking up credit card debt and buying unaffordable houses, are now referred to as being “underwater” or “submerged,” “as if defaulting on a loan were the result of an act of God, instead of volition. Newspaper foreclosure stories inevitably portrayed these events as something that had just fallen out of the sky.”

We heard a lot about “predatory lending:” as these stories unfolded. But wait a minute. Did the lender hogtie an innocent victim and force a signature at gunpoint? There are people who send money to Nigerian bank accounts. But for the most part, borrowers who reneged on their loans were people who either had not done their homework or had quite simply decided – what the heck– I want this. It’s more fun to hate bankers than to hold people responsible and call them on trashy – and in fact predatory – borrowing.

While admitting that there are mitigating factors like job loss and circumstances beyond one’s control, she scorns the government for being complicit in the housing bubble and the media for being cheerleaders for White Trash Normal.

As much as I argue for personal responsibility, I have to say that the old system didn’t collapse without help. Nope, Uncle Sam, increasingly an old meddler, gave it a shove. In an attempt to give more people access to credit, the federal government made it easier to borrow, reducing income requirements, especially for low income Americans – the very ones most likely to be harmed by onerous debt. Increasingly across the financial spectrum loans were being made to people with bad credit. As a result of government policies, people were lulled into believing they were doing the right thing by borrowing beyond their capacity. Sure, in a world without original sin, people might have turned up their noses and resisted taking out bad loans. But temptation is temptation, and in this instance Uncle Sam became the tempter. He also became the absolver of guilt.

When the federal government bailed out troubled home ‘owners’ to the tune of 26 billion in hard earned taxpayer dollars, it was presented in the press as help for people overburdened through no fault of their own… In the past, there was a word for people who didn’t pay their bills: White Trash. If there was a Wharton School of money management, its motto would be ‘hits not my fault.”

She also has words for members of the Occupy movement (embraced by our president). You remember them. They are the college kids who complained about corporations while they tweeted or twittered of whatever they do on their blackberries and computers. That is, when they weren’t urinating in doorways and defecating on police cars.

It occurred to this reviewer that our “sympathetic” president provides another example of irresponsible behavior as he and his wife take lavish vacations – about one a month in 2013 – to Hawaii, the Bahamas, Martha’s vineyard, Spain and Aspen– while the nation is mired in debt and recession–all the while decrying the rich for their profligate ways and waving the red flag of income redistribution.

Hays complains about another manifestation of the “Hit don’t make no difference” mentality.

It has to be acknowledged that standards of personal appearance have fallen across the board. Fat or thin, things aren’t what they used to be.

She blames “a White Trash way of living.”

Obesity, like debt, swells when people don’t look to the future – a trait in the past associated with the underclass. The average American carries 2.6 times more debt than he did 30 years ago according to the Federal Reserve Board data …

The government, of course, has a solution for the decline of self-control and the rise of obesity – “passing new laws to relieve us of the obligation to make wise choices – which, ironically, will only serve to make us more trashy.”

She cites Mayor Bloomberg who “seems to believe it is the twenty-ounce sugary drink that is the culprit. That the problem is the drinker rather than the drink – that Cokes don’t reach out, grab us and make us drink them, we grab them – seems never to have entered into his thinking.”

While on the subject of appearance, this reviewer cannot resist interjecting a personal peeve –the outbreak of tasteless, often bizarre and just plain ugly women’s fashions and the otherwise attractive young women who model them. Who passed the ‘no smile’ law? Why do they all look like they swallowed something sour or smell something bad. But I digress.

Hays devotes another chapter to churches being overtaken by the White Trash ethos.

As white trash values have traveled upwards in society, it’s not surprising that the tide has engulfed the churches. It used to be that being a Pentecostal or a snake handler in Appalachia made you White Trash. But that’s so yesterday. Anyway, you’ve got to hand it to the snake fellows – they weren’t half as ignorant as our nouveau White Trash.

Christianity is in retreat and “goddess worship is all the rage.” Hays doesn’t mention Wicca but she might have.

Some of the new white trash religions people concoct are parody-worthy, but at the same time not a laughing matter…

A by-product of church attendance was “at least a glancing familiarity with the ideas and concepts that had built Western civilization.“

Cultural illiteracy breeds white trash behavior. If you don’t know who Adam and Eve were, you probably don’t have reasoned arguments as to whether Adam and Steve should get married. Indeed, I’ll go out on a limb and predict a day when a clergyman divorces his wife, comes out of the closet, takes a male lover, and then becomes the Episcopal Bishop of New Hampshire…

Hays connects the lack of the tempering influence of religion to the epidemic of “self-esteem” that has overtaken today’s youth. She cites studies showing that “self-esteem is highest among prison inmates, neo-Nazis and other assorted bullies.”

She also referred to scores on the Narcissistic Personality Inventory Evaluation administered to 16,000 American college students between the years of 1982 and 2006.

The evaluation includes questions such as, ‘I think I am a special person.’ ‘If I ruled the world it would be a better place.’ ‘I find it easy to manipulate people.’ Around 65% of the students surveyed in 2006 scored high, a rise of 30% from 1982. Can you imagine how scary it would be if one of the narcissists became president?

A subsequent chapter, “Who’s Your Daddy,” covers the “hook up culture,” “illegitimacy chic,” “sex education” and the loss of chivalry among other manifestations of White Trash Normal

Chapter 6, Bratz and Brats is about obnoxious children who have been brought up (if that’s the right term) to “believe they are the center of the universe.” Also included are ”dolls that look like strippers, “the invention of new names,” and school – induced ignorance.

Instead of Latin or history, children learn about personal development. The result is getting stuck in the present and not caring about one’s origins. We used to associate ignorance with the underclass. Not anymore.

The degradation of the culture has many causes and Hays touches on most of them. This reviewer would have liked elaboration, but the author set out to expose White Trash Normal and be funny at the same time and she succeeded on both counts, a daunting task well done. It’s a rare writer who can be humorous and trenchant at the same time.

A bonus at the end of the book is a – “A White Trash Timeline – Some Milestones on the Road to White Trash Normal.” The timeline begins in 1936 and ends in 2013. Only years that mark the way to White Trash Normal are included.

The final chapter is entitled “A Fork in the Road” and it’s about more than table manners. She warns that if we don’t reclaim the culture now, it will not be “the road less traveled’ that we traverse, but an ancient one rutted with the tragedies of those who went that way before – and never found their way back.



Obama Schedule || Tuesday, February 11, 2014

9:00 am || Hosts arrival ceremony for State Visit of French President Francois Hollande; South Lawn
10:00 am || Begins meetings with Hollande
Noon || Joint press conference with Hollande; East Room
2:00 pm || Meets with Defense Secretary Hagel
3:30 pm || Meets with senior advisors
6:55 pm || State Dinner in honor of Hollande; South Lawn



Media Pounce on Gov. Scott Walker Over ‘Lie’ – Then the Truth Came Out


Media outlets pounced on Gov. Scott Walker (R-Wis.) on Monday for “lying” about voting for former President Ronald Reagan even though he was too young to vote at the time. It was later revealed that the “lie” was the result of an incorrect transcript.

Right Wing News published its interview with Walker, quoting the Republican governor as having said he “voted for Reagan” when he was a teenager. Many news websites jumped on the interview, quick to point out that Walker, born in 1967, was too young to vote for Reagan in 1980 and 1984.

Here’s the original quote as transcribed by Right Wing News:

“I remember, I was a teenager, had just become a teenager and voted for Ronald Reagan — limited government, you know, smaller government, lower taxes, strong national defense. You knew what you were getting. You knew how a Reagan administration, a Reagan presidency was going to be better for you.”

It wasn’t long before left-leaning news sites were calling Walker a liar and mocking him. Mediaite’s Andrew Kirell tracks some of the coverage:

“Scott Walker says he voted for Reagan for president, which is totally impossible,” wrote Salon. “Scott Walker Claims He Voted For Ronald Reagan, But That’s Not Possible,” wrote the Huffington Post. “Walker Claims He Voted for Reagan,” noted Political Wire. “Scott Walker Gets Busted For Lying About Voting For Ronald Reagan,” said liberal blog PoliticsUSA. Other outlets to pick up on the soundbite were Talking Points Memo and Wisconsin’s progressive Capital Times.

Most, if not all, of the outlets have since updated their initial stories.

As the news spreadRight Wing News’ John Hawkins, the original interviewer, went back and listened to the actual audio and discovered that he had made a big mistake.

“It’s a little hard to hear at that point and unfortunately, my transcriptionist made an error,” he wrote in a later post.

So what did Walker actually say? According to Hawkins:

“A vote for Ronald Reagan meant limited government, you know, smaller government, lower taxes, strong national defense. You knew what you were getting. You knew how a Reagan administration, a Reagan presidency was going to be better for you.”

Hawkins apologized for the error and said it was “very unfair to Scott Walker.” Listen to the audio from the interview here. Many are calling for the site to publish the full audio of the interview.




During the February 9 airing of This Week With George Stephanopoulos, Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN) said the loss of work hours due to Obamacare could actually be a good thing because Americans work too much anyway, compared to people in other industrialized countries. 


The discussion began when round-table host Jonathan Karl asked Congressman Tom Cole (R-Okla.) about a CBO report showing “the equivalent of two million-plus workers coming out of the economy” due to Obamacare.

Cole said, “Obamacare has been an issue from day one that’s hurt Democrats and helped Republicans.” And he said it’s “not going to go away” as an issue “because it’s fundamentally a flawed, bad policy.”

Ellison countered that the CBO report on the reduction of hours worked means, “We are going to have parents being able to come home, working reasonable hours. People are going to be able to retire. People might actually be able to cook dinner rather than have to order out and get some takeout.”

He added: “If you look at international comparisons country by country, Americans work way more that the average of industrialized countries around the world.”

He said the report showing fewer work hours gives us the chance “to look at our work/life balance,” which he described as “a great opportunity.”

Congressman Cole responded: “Strange spin. I don’t think it’s going to work.”


Obama Schedule || Monday, February 10, 2014

9:45 am || Receives the President Daily Briefing
12:30 pm || Lunch with Biden
2:50 pm || Departs White House
4:30 pm || Tours Monticello with French President Francois Hollande; Charlottesville, Virginia
5:15 pm || Delivers remarks; Monticello
7:20 pm || Arrives White House



U.S. Postal Service Announces Giant Ammo Purchase


The U.S. Postal Service is currently seeking companies that can provide “assorted small arms ammunition” in the near future.

The U.S. Postal Service joins the long list of non-military federal agencies purchasing large amounts of ammunition.

On Jan. 31, the USPS Supplies and Services Purchasing Office posted a notice on the Federal Business Opportunities website asking contractors to register with USPS as potential ammunition suppliers for a variety of cartridges.

“The United States Postal Service intends to solicit proposals for assorted small arms ammunition,” the notice reads, which also mentioned a deadline of Feb. 10.

The Post Office published the notice just two days after Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) announced his proposal to remove a federal gun ban that prevents lawful concealed carry holders from carrying handguns inside post offices across the country.

Ironically the Postal Service isn’t the first non-law enforcement agency seeking firearms and ammunition.

Since 2001, the U.S. Dept. of Education has been building a massive arsenal through purchases orchestrated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

The Education Dept. has spent over $80,000 so far on Glock pistols and over $17,000 on Remington shotguns.

Back in July, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration also purchased 72,000 rounds of .40 Smith & Wesson, following a 2012 purchase for 46,000 rounds of .40 S&W jacketed hollow point by the National Weather Service.

NOAA spokesperson Scott Smullen responded to concerns over the weather service purchase by stating that it was meant for the NOAA Fisheries Office of Law Enforcement for its bi-annual “target qualifications and training.”

That seems excessive considering that JHP ammunition is typically several times more expensive than practice rounds, which can usually be found in equivalent power loadings and thus offer similar recoil characteristics as duty rounds.

Including mass purchases by the Dept. of Homeland Security, non-military federal agencies combined have purchased an estimated amount of over two billion rounds of ammunition in the past two years.

Additionally, the U.S. Army bought almost 600,000 Soviet AK-47 magazines last fall, enough to hold nearly 18,000,000 rounds of 7.62x39mm ammo which is not standard-issue for either the U.S. military or even NATO.

It would take a Lockheed Martin C-5 Galaxy, one of the largest cargo aircraft in the world, two trips to haul that many magazines.

A month prior, the army purchased nearly 3,000,000 rounds of 7.62x39mm ammo, a huge amount but still only 1/6th of what the magazines purchased can hold in total.

The Feds have also spent millions on riot control measures in addition to the ammo acquisitions.

Earlier this month, Homeland Security spent over $58 million on hiring security details for just two Social Security offices in Maryland.

DHS also spent $80 million on armed guards to protect government buildings in New York and sought even more guards for federal facilities in Wisconsin and Minnesota.

While the government gears up for civil unrest and stockpiles ammo without limit, private gun owners on the other hand are finding ammunition shelves empty at gun stores across America,commincluding shortages of once-on cartridges such as .22 Long Rifle.


Hurley’s Ex-Lover Caught On Bombshell Audio Recording Revealing Ex-Prez’s White House Sex Romps Behind Wife Hillary’s Back


As Hillary Clinton prepares to run for President in 2016, RadarOnline.com has uncovered bombshell new information that could torpedo her White House dreams: The philandering husband of the former United States Secretary of State, ex-President Bill Clinton, carried on a torrid year-long love affair with British supermodel Elizabeth Hurley behind White House walls.

That’s the explosive revelation dropped by the man who says he arranged the secret tryst, actor Tom Sizemore.

In a blockbuster exclusive, Radar has unearthed a secret audio recording during which the Hollywood actor, who had his own three-year sexual liaison with Hurley, recounts how the famously-frisky ex-President once sent a plane to fly Hurley to Washington D.C., where he bedded her in the White House — while First Lady Hillary was in the very next room!

On the tape, recorded in January of this year and provided to Radar and GLOBE in a joint investigation, 52-year-old Sizemore boasts to two pals about how he arranged the pair’s first rendezvous.

According to the Black Hawk Down star, it all began during a 1998 White House screening of Saving PrivateRyan, when President Clinton pulled Sizemore aside from the crowd of A-listers that included TomHanks, Matt Damon, Ed Burns and Dennis Farina.

The premiere of the film was four years after Hurley was catapulted into the limelight after wearing that Versace dress to the premiere of ex-boyfriend Hugh Grant’s film Four Weddings And A Funeral.

Sizemore claims that Clinton asked if he wanted to see the Lincoln Bedroom and after shaking his Secret Service detail, the pervy President quickly made his move!

“We walk in,” Sizemore says on the tape, when suddenly Clinton, then in his second-term of office, asked point-blank, “Did you go with Liz Hurley for four years? Do you still see her?”

When Sizemore confirmed they had dated but were no longer together, he says the President asked for her number.

Stunned at the suggestion, Sizemore admitted to being somewhat hesitant to dole out the digits, but claims Clinton insisted: “Give it to me. You dumb mother*****r, I’m the Commander-in-Chief of the United States of America. The buck stops here. Give me the damn number.”

The actor obliged, but before dialing, he says the President was already covering his tracks, thinking of his oblivious and long-suffering wife Hillary in the other room.

“[Clinton] said, ‘I’m going to say I asked you about your uncle, Ted Sizemore, who played professional baseball,” Sizemore recalls. “That’s the lie. Don’t forget it.’”

Then, Sizemore recounts, Clinton dialed, wasting no time in getting down to dirty business with the stunning brunette, now 48.

“Elizabeth, this is your Commander-in-Chief,” Clinton said to the actress, who played Vanessa Kensington in the 1997 hit Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery.

And though Hurley at first thought it was a joke, she played coy, but the President wouldn’t take no for an answer!

Clinton said, “Listen Elizabeth, this is the President!” Sizemore recalls. “‘I don’t have any time for this ****. I‘m keeping the world from nuclear war all the time. I’m sending a plane to pick you up.”

Hours later, he claims, Hurley was at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

“While we’re at the reception, I see her,” Sizemore reveals, but then she disappeared through a door, trailed by a Secret Service agent.

As she disappeared into a room with the President, Sizemore charges, “Bill turns to me and he goes, ‘I owe you one.’”

As to what happened after that, Sizemore declares on the tape: “What do you think? She was there for four days. He f***ed her that night.”

Later, her recalled, “I asked her (Hurley), what was it like there? …I said was Hillary a problem? And she said ‘No, they sleep in different bedrooms.’”

“Bill said that, he intimated to Elizabeth that they have been, they’re in love,” Sizemore claims, “but they stopped [sleeping together] a long time ago and they both have separate romantic lives.”

As such, the steamy affair didn’t end after Hurley’s visit.

Sizemore says they kept in contact for a year, until Clinton ended the sexual shenanigans because he was falling deeply in love with the charming actress, 19 years his junior

“At a certain point, he told her, ‘I don’t do love and I’m beginning to think I might love you,’” Sizemore says.

Confronted with Sizemore’s claims, a representative for Hurley did not deny the relationship and coyly said that she would not be commenting on her relationship with Clinton.

Later, after Sizemore’s claims went public, Hurley issued this tweet:

Ludicrously silly stories about me & Bill Clinton. Totally untrue. In the hands of my lawyers. Yawn.

— Elizabeth Hurley (@ElizabethHurley) February 5, 2014

Sizemore, who starred in Natural Born Killers before spiraling into a dark drug addiction, revealed the tryst between the politician and actress in the recorded conversation which took place at his hotel room in Manchester, Conn., where he was shooting a movie.

Sizemore’s claims will undoubtedly put the spotlight back on the oft-criticized marriage of Clinton, 67, and his long-suffering wife Hillary, the 66-year-old leading candidate to claim the White House in 2016.

The revelation of Hurley’s affair is just the latest in a long line of women who have claimed to have bedded the President and will only be more fuel for the fire for those who believe the couple is unfit to occupy the White House.

It will also put new scrutiny on Hurley – whose apparent indiscretion could have remained dead and buried if it was not for the explosive audio uncovered more than a decade later. She’s currently single again after reportedly splitting from Australian cricket superstar Shane Warne.

Sizemore revealed his own three-year fling with Hurley in his tell-all book, By Some Miracle I Made it Out of There.

In it, he detailed how the pair met on the set of the 1992 thriller Passenger 57 when he became instantly smitten by her “stunningly flawless ivory skin, beautiful voice and charming, throaty laugh.”

At the time, Hurley was dating Grant, the 53-year-old Golden Globe winner.

“I literally couldn’t conceal my awe or worshipful feelings for her,” Sizemore wrote in his tell-all. “In many ways Elizabeth was the seminal relationship of my young adulthood. She taught me a lot about myself.”


Common Core MATH calls 2000 election unfair, describes Lincoln’s religion as ‘liberal’


Another week has gone by and, like clockwork, some more hilariously awful Common Core math lessons have oozed out of the woodwork.

This time, reports EAGnews.org, the culprit is Illuminations, an outfit created by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and financially supported by the Verizon Foundation.

The Common Core-aligned lessons on offer at the Illuminations website are nothing if not illuminating.

Take, for example, the lesson plan entitled “How Could That Happen?” This math lesson for middle schoolers requires a math teacher to “engage students in a class discussion about whether or not they feel the results of” the 2000 presidential election were “‘fair.’”

A related lesson called “A Swath of Red” instructs teachers: “The election of 2000 was politically charged, so you should be prepared to address the issue. The merits of the electoral college [sic] are called into question during each presidential election, and some people have strong opinions.”

A similarly related lesson called “Why Is California So Important? links students to a “CNN Student News” fact sheet that makes the incredibly dubious claim that the Electoral College exists because “some of the Constitution’s authors did not trust the ability of the common voter to make the ‘right’ decision.”

The actual math to be imparted in these lessons includes ratios, averages and “number sense.”

Another lesson is called “There is a Difference: Histograms vs. Bar Graphs.” This perfectly innocuous-sounding lesson — deemed appropriate for students ranging from third to eighth grades — covers the summary and presentation of raw data.

Math teachers using this lesson are supposed to begin by engaging their math students “in a discussion about the Presidents of the United States” including party affiliation.

The lesson plan then offers three websites for obtaining information about American presidents. The “recommended” site is a page entitled “Presidents” at the website Infoplease.com.


The page links to a biography of each president and provides some key facts about each president including their home states, their ages at inauguration and their religions.

Abraham Lincoln’s religion is listed as “Liberal.”

Any math student who surfs over to the Infoplease.com biography of Ronald Reagan is in for a treat. The page duly explains that Reagan’s “‘supply side’ economic program” of “tax cuts and sharp reductions in government spending” led to “the worst recession in 40 years” and a “constantly growing budget deficit.” The roaring economy and the huge plunge in both inflation and unemployment that ensued rate nary a mention.

EAGnews also discovered that the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics is heavily focused on the newly mathematical concept of social justice. A search for “social justice” on the group’s website generates 130 results.

The first link proclaims: “Educators increasingly recognize the important role that mathematics teaching plays in helping students to understand and overcome social injustice and inequality.”

The Common Core State Standards Initiative is a curriculum — but don’t call it a curriculum! — currently being implemented by 45 states and the District of Columbia.

These politics-laden math lessons are a new twist in the ever-growing inventory of sad and hideous Common Core math problems.

Last week, The Daily Caller brought you a surreal, subtly cruel Common Core math worksheet. (RELATED: This Common Core math worksheet offers a glimpse into Kafkaesque third-grade hell)

Two weeks ago, there was a set of incomprehensible directions for nine-year-olds. (RELATED: Here’s another impossibly stupid Common Core math worksheet)

In December, Twitchy found the most egregiously awful math problem the Common Core had produced yet until that point. (RELATED: Is this Common Core math question the worst math question in human history?)

In November, Twitchy collected several more incomprehensible, unintentionally hilarious Core-aligned worksheets and tests(RELATED: EPIC FAIL: Parents reveal insane Common Core worksheets)

Also, over the summer, The Daily Caller exposed a video in which a curriculum coordinator in suburban Chicago perkily explained that students can be totally right if they say 3 x 4 = 11 as long as they spout something about the necessarily faulty reasoning they used to get to that wrong answer. (RELATED: Obama math: under new Common Core, 3 x 4 = 11 [VIDEO])